What are the advantages of nitrogen hollow injection molding compared to other injection molding technologies?
1. The probability of product deformation is reduced, and low-pressure injection reduces the internal stress of plastic products, reducing the probability of plastic products warping and deformation.
2. The locking pressure is reduced, and low injection pressure reduces the clamping force. Machines with smaller tonnage can be selected.
3. Improving the accuracy of plastic products, reducing residual stress, and increasing dimensional tolerances and product stability.
4. The use of plastic materials is reduced, and the wall thickness of the finished product is hollow, reducing the use of plastic materials.
5. The molding cycle is shortened, compared to solid products, the nitrogen hollow injection molding cycle is shortened.
6. Nitrogen assisted injection molding improves structural integrity and increases design freedom.
7. For certain products with significant wall thickness differences, nitrogen hollow injection molding can be used for one-time molding.
8. Improve the lifespan of injection molds, reduce the pressure inside the injection chamber, reduce mold wear, and increase injection lifespan.
9. Reduce the cost of injection molds, reduce injection points, and use air passages instead of hot runners to lower mold costs.
10. Eliminate shrinkage phenomenon, increase hardness along the thick adhesive position airway, and reduce shrinkage problems.
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